A.I. Space Puzzle

A.I. Space Puzzle

Product #PLG24101

Regular Price: $29.00

Special Price: $23.99

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Manufacturer: Portal Games

A.I. Space Puzzle @ 40:25

AI Space Puzzle is a cooperative board game, where players take on the roles of distressed AI and Astronauts. The goal of the game is for the Astronauts to reach the correct rooms with the correct Security Keys.

While playing, you will create a shared communication system.

The AI Player uses various tokens to convey the required combination of colors and pawns. The meaning of the tokens is up to the players to decide. Each game utilizes a different Scenario from the Scenario Book.

Ages: 8+
Players: 2-5
Game Length: 30 minutes

Communication Limits
• Cooperative Game
• Deduction
• Scenario/Mission/Campaign Game