Magical Kitties 2E RPG: Workbook Pack

Magical Kitties 2E RPG: Workbook Pack (Last Chance)

Product #AG3123

Regular Price: $19.95

Special Price: $13.99

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Manufacturer: Atlas Games

Magical Kitties Save Magic Itself!

Beautiful, full-color workbooks give your kitty krew everything it needs to create characters, a new hometown, and an entire series!

Our Hometown Workbook is the perfect gift for a first-time game master, featuring places to record your hometown map, locations, supporting cast, foes, disasters, and adventures. Keep a journal of your episodes to track your kitty krew's progress!

Four My Kitty Workbooks give each player a deluxe character sheet plus journal space for recording their adventures notes!

1 Our Hometown Workbook
4 My Kitty Workbooks