Castles & Crusades RPG: After Winter Dark - Codex of Aihrde

Castles & Crusades RPG: After Winter Dark - Codex of Aihrde

Product #TLG81262

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Manufacturer: Troll Lord Games

The Forge of Heroes

The World of Aihrde is a world freshly reborn. The long millennia of Winter Dark has ended and the kingdoms that rise from its ashes are yours for the taking, to form and shape as fits your campaign and gaming style. After Winter Dark sets the stage for you to become the hero of your own story, to fore ahead, upon themes and adventures of your own making. This is truly a world designed for a Game Master or player who strives to make their mark at the table.

Within this tome lies a complete history of the world, from its conception by the All Father to its birth upon the landscape of the Void, to the Winter Dark and the years after. The history is complete with the mythos of the gods, their origins, and their interactions with all the Denizens, great & small. With a history over 12,000 years long, from the Dwarven centuries, to the Goblin-Dwarf wars, the rise of the Magi and the Age of Man, the origins of Elves and Halflings, Orcs and Trolls, and the conquest of it all by Unklar and the Winter Dark.

The Codex of Aihrde is complete with cosmological details, over 50 gods and their stories, the regions, and lands of Aihrde, over 70 highly detailed countries, and guilds and orders. Buried in the in-depth history you can find an almost limitless number of adventure hooks, NPCs, artifacts, and monsters. In the Appendices, you will learn languages, economic systems, calendars, and weather patterns and see a complete chronology cataloging all the events of the world's long history. Aihrde includes vast undeveloped regions that lend themselves to your creative pen.

Make the After Winter Dark Yours.

288 pages