1565 Siege of Malta

1565 Siege of Malta

Product #WPUB074

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Manufacturer: Worthington Publishing

The Great Siege of Malta, as it came to be known, was part of the culminating act in the contest for control of the Mediterranean between Christian alliances and the Islamic Ottoman Empire that had been playing out since before the Fall of Constantinople. Indeed, in many ways, the Siege of Malta was the final act in the drama that was the Crusades - unless you take the view that this ideological conflict has yet to end.

The Siege - together with the heavy Christina defeat at the Battle of Djerba (1560), and the decisive Christian victory at Lepanto (1571) - would later transpire to bring the curtain down on the Ottoman expansion into Europe. We do well to remember that there was nothing inevitable about this at the time, and had Malta fallen, a rapid westward expansion including into Sicily, southern Italy, and the Iberian Peninsula, and possibly even France seems the most likely outcome.

1 Rulebook
1 Turkish Order Book
1 Knights Order Book
1 Battle Record
1 Gameboard
2 Decks of Cards
Wooden Blocks

Ages: 14+
Players: 1
Game Length: 60 minutes

• Action/Event
• Campaign / Battle Card Driven
• Solo / Solitaire Game